Read side effects reportconsumer or non-health professional from france reported amoxicillin side effect on july 25, 2007. Consequently a careful history should be taken in regard to allergic reaction before commencing treatment. Stool specimens from patients with diarrhea who are suspected by their primary care physicians of having colitis were tested for c. Where can i get more problems includedrugs, such as alcohol, nicotine, narcotics, stimulants, antihypertensives medicines. Reversible hepatiyis and cholestatic jaundice has been reported with amoxicillin and clavulanic combination so that augmaxcil should be used with daution in patients with evidence of hepatic dysfunction. Proposed mechanism the
reaction to cefaclor appears to be due to a specific metabolite produced where there is an inherited variant pathway to break down this medication.
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